29 January 2015


Writer/Director: Suzanne Andrade
Film, Animation & Design: Paul Barritt
Music: Lillian Henley
Costume: Sarah Munro
Performers: Esme Appleton, Will Close, Lillian Henley, Rose Robinson, Shamira Turner

Based on a Jewish myth, Golem by East London based 1927 shows us a modern society controlled by information derived from marketing.

One day, an ordinary young man Robert gets a Golem created from mud. Golem obeys Robert's orders and even works at his company instead of him. Golem would give him some useful advice and by listening to this advice, his life is gradually taken over by Golem... What is amazing about this play is that this Golem is in CG. All the backgrounds are animated images projected on panels. And the CG and performers are merged perfectly. It is like the performers look like 2D rather than the CG looks like 3D. Live music by the keyboard and the drums makes scenes alive.

We receive information delivered by computer all the time. This play throws a question; don't you let the marketing make your own decisions? I want to say "No", but to think about it, I am often tempted by personalized recommendations from Amazon. It's scary to think that my life is manipulated without my knowing it.

I loved the costumes which reminded me of  70s.

東ロンドンを拠点に活動している劇団 1927 の『Golem』は、この伝承を下敷きに、「マーケティングに基づく情報」が支配する現代社会の姿を映し出しておりました。


何がすごかったって、このゴーレムが CG なのですよ。背景も全部パネルに映ったアニメーション。この CG と役者さんたちが、めちゃくちゃ馴染んでましたねー。CG が立体的、というよりは役者さんたちが平面になったような感じで。


My husband and I had a quick dinner before the show at The Cut in Young Vic. The food was OK but it had a lovely buzzy atmosphere. I'd love to pop in to have a glass of wine or two even when I'm not seeing any play there.

このお芝居、Young Vic で観たのですが、始まる前に劇場に入っているカフェ The Cut でささっと食事しました。

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ ロンドン情報へ

24 January 2015

Light/Theatre Ad Infinitum

Writer/Director: George Mann
Performers: Charlotte Dubery, Matthew Gurney, Robin Guiver, Deborah Pugh, Michael Sharman
Composer and Sound Designer: Chris Bartholomew
Light Consultant and Production Electrician: Matthew Leventhall

Light by Theatre Ad Infinitum is a part of  London International Mime Festival 2015. It was the third time I had seen this company. Their shows are very different every time which always surprises me in a good way.

This time, it is Sci-Fi. The story is set in a dictatorship nation in the near future where the government manipulates people's thought. Alex is a son of the dictator and is ordered to capture a rebellious "terrorist"... The theatre was pitch-dark and scenes were created with mobile lighting such as torches. The lighting, music and performers' movements were choreographed in a very complicated and fast moving way, and everything was spot-on despite being in complete darkness! Yet they managed to deliver characters and emotions. At the post show Q&A, the writer/director George Mann said something like he focused on putting heart into the choreography rather than the choreography itself. He wrote this play inspired by Edward Snowden's revelation. It was a thrilling Sci-Fi fantasy based on the question of how much a nation can step into people's privacy to protect its security.

I'm already looking forward to their next production!

ロンドン国際マイム・フェスティバルの一環として上演された Theatre Ad Infinitum の『Light』を観に行ってきました。 

で、今回は SF。
その独裁者を父親に持つアレックスは、国家に反逆する "テロリスト" を捕まえるよう命じられて。。

終演後の Q&A で監督・脚本のジョージ・マン氏が

エドワード・スノーデンの告発に刺激を受けて脚本を書いたそうなのですが、治安を守るために国家がどこまで個人のプライバシーに踏み込むのか。。という今まさに議論されているテーマが、スリリングな SF ファンタジーになっていて、文字どおり手に汗握る70分間でありました。

Theatre Ad Infinitum、次回作も楽しみだー!



にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ イギリス情報へ

19 January 2015

The Theory of Everything | 博士と彼女のセオリー

Director: James Marsh
Writers: Anthony McCarten, Jane Hawking
Stars: Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Charlie Cox

Even a person like me who wants to run away as soon as hearing a word physics or maths knows Dr Stephen Hawking. The title of this film is the ultimate theory he's looking for but the film is focused on the relationship between him and his first wife Jane. First of all, Eddie Redmayne was just awesome. It was as if he became Stephen Hawking rather than acting the role. Especially in the later half of the film where he couldn't move most of his muscles because of the motor neuron disease, his expressions just with slight movement of his eyebrows or his eyes were phenomenal. No surprise about him getting Golden Globe Award. Actually Eddie looks very similar to young Stephen.
この映画の原題『The Theory of Everything』は、博士が探し求めている物理学上の理論だそうですが、映画の焦点は彼と最初の妻、ジェーンの半生に当てられています。



Stephen and Jane met each other at Cambridge. When he was 21, he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease and told that he could survive only for two years. Despite that, or more like because of that, Jane decided to get married to him. The film follows their relationship but it's not a sentimental story. Jane became worn out by looking after her husband and their children and dealing with everything. Stephen stayed being charming with his sense of humour but sometimes he made things worse with wrong joke at the wrong timing which a lot of women don't appreciate. I guess a physics genius is just an ordinary man at home. Perhaps because I'm a woman myself, I couldn't help standing Jane's side...

Eddie Redmayne is also nominated for the Oscar. Benedict Cumberbatch who is also nominated for his role as a maths genius played young Stephen Hawking in a TV drama some years ago.




18 January 2015

Afghan lunch | アフガン・ランチ

My husband and I went to Angel for Camden Passage Market on Saturday. We arrived there at lunch time, so first thing was popping in the Afghan Kitchen overlooking Islington Green. This restaurant serves Afghan home cooking. You can choose from 4 meat/fish main dishes and 4 vegetarian main dishes. Each dish is around £7. Very reasonable.

到着したのがお昼時だったので、まずは腹ごしらえ。イズリントン・グリーンに臨む Afghan Kitchen へ。


We ordered Lavand-e-Murgh (Chicken in yoghurt) and Borani Kado (Pumpkin with yoghurt) and a bowl of rice to share. The chicken in the chicken stew was very tender. The delicious sauce was flavoured with turmeric and mint. This is our favourite dish and we order it every time. Once we asked the recipe and they wouldn't tell us...The pumpkin was cooked in syrup and had a kick of chilli. 

I'd never experienced Afghan cuisine before I came to London. All the news about that country are very sad but people are eating such lovely food. I hope that I can visit there and enjoy their food one day once the country becomes stable!
この日は Lavand-e-Murgh (チキンのヨーグルトソース煮込) と Borani Kado (カボチャの煮物ヨーグルト・ソース添え) にライスを2人でシェア。


Afghan Kitchen
35 Islington Green, London N1 8DU 
Tel 020 7359 8019

4 January 2015

Paddington | パディントン

Director: Paul King
Writer: Paul King, Hamish McColl, Michael Bond 
Stars: Ben Whishaw, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Peter Capaldi, Nicole Kidman
2014/UK = France

Happy New Year! May this new year bring you lots of smile and happiness.

The first film of this year was PADDINGTON. When I first saw the poster of this film, I thought that Paddington was too beary and the film would be for children. But more than one friend have told me good things about the film and I became curious. Now I'm glad I went see this one! Both adults and children can enjoy this film. There are some jokes only adults can get and other jokes only children laugh their heads off. Paddington came to London from darkest Peru. He met the Brown family at Paddington station and they kindly took him home. He went on an adventure to seek his "home" (and he caused a lot of trouble). As an immigrant myself, I couldn't help feeling empathy for him. The film is a bit like a London promotion film in a positive way which depicts beautiful scenery as well as its tolerance for people from different parts of the world. And the computer graphics were very convincing. Paddington is a bit scary in the poster but he was cute in the film. I loved Peter Capaldi from Doctor Who playing a miserable old man!






個人的には、Doctor Who の Peter Capaldi がしょぼいオヤジを好演してたのがツボ、でありました。


One of my new year's resolutions is "more gardening". To record what's happening in our garden, I've just started a new blog here (sorry, it's only in Japanese though).